The blue tape on our glass sliding door is at human eye level. The lower tape is at dog eye level. We did have a human walk into the door and break it years ago, and the dogs tend to go crazy when they see birds in the backyard and I don’t want them slamming into the glass (plate glass BTW; outlawed for this use in the USA 50 years ago).

Unfortunately, the pigeon paid no attention to either. RIP.

A hawk lost its lunch?

On the dog walk yesterday, there was suddenly a flurry of interest by the dogs, but no grabbing, chewing, or rolling. Just a fresh, disemboweled chicken carcass in the middle of nowhere. Syd thought I should show its location with a map photo, but no, trust me. Middle. Of. Nowhere.

Best guess is that it became a raptor feast.

Dead sea turtle

It has been a while since I’ve seen interesting dead things on the beach. Yesterday’s was a good-sized sea turtle.

A young boy came over and started explaining something, but I could not make head or tail of what he was saying. Rioplatense Spanish can be pretty brutal, even more so when spoken by kids.

Huge, and dead.

By far the biggest DTOTB (Dead Thing On The Beach) we’ve ever seen. Interesting that a week or so ago I paused for some while watching a flock of birds diving for fish 100 meters offshore. From time to time I saw what looked like a fin. From this sea lion? It was about the same location.

I haven’t been back to the beach since (that’s now our alternative, not main, dog walk) to know current status. As it was, I made a point of walking upwind of it. I’m not that curious.